Sheet Music to Ukulele Tab

If you found some sheet music and want to figure out what fingerstyle tab it translates to on which string. You can use this handy conversion sheet.

On the middle one, where you see B all by itself and under it a 2, 7, 11, & 4. basically the B can be any one of those, and not all four strings… it can also be a combination of ones close together, like holding 2 on the A string and 4 on the G string and plucking both (sometimes called a doublestop).

Another example. Let’s say on the last line you need to use the A#, you can use either the 13th fret on the A string OR the 15th fret on the G string. (Or you can use this to learn to read music)


About Carmelo

I admin the site for the group. I've been an ukulele enthusiast since I saw Jake Shimabukuro in 2014.
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