10 Things for Ukulele Players

A guy I know, Barry, from GotaUkulele.com shared this and I love it!

About Carmelo

I admin the site for the group. I've been an ukulele enthusiast since I saw Jake Shimabukuro in 2014.
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One Response to 10 Things for Ukulele Players

  1. Elaine Blake says:

    A couple of us were discussing Sam Ash ukulele Meetup, and came up with a suggestion as an option for 1 of the monthly jam sessions. Have a list of beloved well-liked songs for a repertoire. We could start with the list of back up songs or take suggestions from the group. Have about 50 songs. Include at least 10 songs with the same 2, 3, or 4 chord songs to play when beginners are present. We could all have a notebook with these “often-played” songs. On 1 of the jam nights, we could pick songs from this notebook to play. We could add or take away songs as we choose.

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